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Library Policies

We regularly review our library policies to ensure they support our mission of equitable access to information. Your feedback is valuable—please familiarize yourself with our policies and share any thoughts or suggestions. Together, we strive to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment at the Argos Public Library.

Circulation Policy

Obtaining a Library Card
Types of Library Cards
General Information about your Library Card
Circulation of Library Materials

Obtaining a Library Card:

Persons applying for an APL library card must have one of the following:
1. Valid photo ID showing current eligible residential address: this will
either be a valid IN driver’s license, valid state of IN ID, or an Argos Community Schools ID with photograph.


Depending on the type of library card, other material (such as a library card from another library) may need to be presented in addition to the types of identification listed above.

Once the appropriate identification has been shown and accepted, a library card application will be presented for completion. The signature on this application indicates that the library cardholder accepts all library policies and procedures and assumes responsibility for all fees and replacements of lost or damaged materials. A family adding a new member may receive their new card immediately if all other family members are in good standing.

2. Valid, current IN driver’s license without an eligible current address located within the library taxing district.

PLUS ONE of the Following: Utility bill showing person’s name & current address, current check with preprinted name and address, current bank statement, rent receipt for current address, or current property tax papers.page1image1026493920

Types of Library Cards

A patron may apply for one of the following applicable types of library cards:

Resident Adult
Resident Youth (5-17 years of age) Reciprocal
Public Library Access Card (PLAC Card) Non-Resident Adult
Non-Resident Student
Non-Resident School Employee

Resident Adult

Residents of the town of Argos and Green and Walnut Townships in Marshall County who are age 18 and over are eligible for an adult resident card. Property and/or business owners in Argos or Green and Walnut Townships, who live elsewhere, are also eligible to apply for a library card by presenting proof of local property and/or business ownership in conjunction with any other identification required by the library to obtain a library card.

Resident Youth (5-17)

The parent or legal guardian of a minor (under age 18) must sign the application at the library before a card is given to the minor. In addition to agreeing to adhere to all library policies and procedures, the signature of the parent or legal guardian of the child designates that the parent or legal guardian will accept ultimate responsibility for any fees or replacement of lost or damaged materials charged to the minor’s library card.


Argos Public Library belongs to the IN State Reciprocal List. Libraries who elect to be a part of this list will loan to all other libraries on the list which includes over100 other public libraries in Indiana. The applicant’s library card from another IN public library must be shown, along with other applicable APL, federal or state identification plus school identification in order to obtain the APL reciprocal card. The applicant must also be in good standing (i.e. non-excessive overdue materials and/or fees) at their home library.

Public Library Access Card (PLAC Card)

The Public Library Access Card (PLAC card) allows the holder to borrow materials from any public library in Indiana. It can be issued to any state resident who has a public library card from an Indiana public library and is in good standing (i.e. non-excessive overdue materials and/or fines) at that library. This card may be purchased for an annual fee that is determined annually by the Indiana State Library. PLAC cards are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Materials borrowed with a PLAC card should be returned back to the library from which the patron made the request and received the book.

Non-Resident Adult

Persons that do not live in an Indiana public library district and do not have a library card at an Indiana public library may purchase a non-resident library card if they choose. The cost of the Argos Public Library card is $50.00 and is good for one year from the date of purchase. Each library sets its own annual cost which may change yearly.

Non-Resident Student including Foster Children

Students enrolled in the Argos Community Schools or any college including all foster children residing in the Argos Public Library taxing district are eligible for a free NR Student Card. The parent, legal guardian, or foster parent of the applicant must sign the application for a minor child at the library before it is mailed to them. In addition to agreeing to adhere to all library policies and procedures, the signature of the parent, legal guardian, or foster parent designates that they will accept ultimate responsibility for any fines or replacement of lost or damaged materials charged to the new library card.

Non-Resident School Employee

Employees of the Argos Community Schools who reside outside of the library district are eligible for a NR School Employee card while employed with the school.

Non-Cardholder Computer Use

No residence restrictions apply to use of the computers. Internet access on library computers will be available for all adults ages 18 and up. Children under the age of 12 should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For further information refer to the Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy.

Things to Know About Your Library Card

Check Out:

Most materials check out for 3 weeks with one renewal of another 3 weeks. The exceptions are DVDs, which check out for 7 days with 1 renewal period and Check out Reference materials check out for 1 week with no renewals. Materials put in the drop box after the library closes will be checked in the next business day. There is a drop box for books and one for DVDs beside the main door. Telephone renewals must be called in during posted library operating hours. Patrons may access their personal records online at the library website, to renew, place holds, and view materials checked out to them.


The signed card holder (or the parent or legal guardian that signed a Youth card) is responsible for anything charged to the library card. Thus, patrons should report a lost or stolen library card immediately to the library so that the card may be deactivated and no further check outs will be allowed on that card.

Patrons must present their library card in order to check out materials from the library. Lost cards may be replaced at a cost of $1.00. The previous card will be deactivated. However, any checkouts, fees, and other information will be transferred from the old card to the new card.

Overdue Items:

As of April 2023, Argos Public Library does not charge fines for late items. Checkout privileges are suspended when an individual has an overdue item on their card. All overdue items must be brought back before any family member can check out any other library materials. Books and related materials may be renewed one checkout period unless there are special circumstances. Items that have a reserve on them will not be renewed.

Overdue notices are a courtesy of the Argos Public Library. The library no longer routinely calls or mails overdue notices. Failure to receive notices does not exempt patrons from the responsibility for payment of damaged or missing library materials.

Returning Materials:

Materials may be returned at either library circulation desks. Materials can be returned in the appropriate drop boxes on the south side of the main door. Items placed in the drop box after library hours will be checked in next working day.

Damaged or Lost Materials:

Materials will be marked as Lost if not returned after 45 days and all fines incurred will revert to the cost of the item (current value or replacement cost, whichever is greater) plus a $3.00 processing fee/item. Fines for lost items will be waived upon return of item in respectable condition to the library. If a lost item has been paid for by the patron, there will be no refund for returning the item as the patron has paid for the item and it is now under the patron’s ownership. If the library’s original purchase cost cannot be determined, it will be estimated. Third party collection fees are also non-refundable.


A hold may be placed on items that are currently checked out or otherwise temporarily unavailable for immediate check out. When the item does become available, a person with the first hold will be notified and given the opportunity to pickup the item within 5 days of receiving notification. If the item is not picked up within 5 days, the item may be returned to the shelf, or, if there are other holds on the item, the next person on the list may be notified and given the opportunity to pick up the item.

Requests for Purchase: APL welcomes patron requests for materials. Written requests may be submitted to a staff member for the library to obtain. The library reserves the right to determine how, or if, an item will be acquired.

Interlibrary Loan Books published more than 6 months before the request may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan (we will borrow from another library if possible). Interlibrary Loan may also be used for other types of requests, including requests for magazine articles or requests for multiple items on a certain subject. We receive shipment once a week, so we cannot guarantee how long it will take to receive a request. Some items are not available from another IN library and will be mailed from out of state. Patrons are required to pay the return postage on this type of borrowing and may decline approval to pay a postage fee before we order an item. ILL items must be returned to APL and we will then ship the item back to the lending library.

The due date for an Interlibrary Loan item is determined by the lending library. Patrons must contact APL one week before the due date if they wish to try and renew any ILL materials. The acceptance of the renewal request depends solely on the lending library and not all libraries will renew items. If the item cannot be renewed, the patron is welcome to request the item again once it is returned to the library.

Occasionally, patrons will request to buy books for themselves through the library. Unfortunately, we are unable to do this for the general public. We will, however, consider obtaining the item for the library collection.

Waiver Claims

Occasionally, a patron may be assessed a fine and/or have borrowing privileges restricted for items the patron claims were returned, were not checked out at all, or were not damaged while in their possession. For each instance, the library will place a waiver claim on the patron’s record. For each waiver approved, all finespertaining to that waiver will be waived and any items pertaining to the waiver claim that are attributed as being checked out to a patron will be removed from the patrons record. Each waiver claim will be noted in the patron’s record. Each patron is allowed two lifetime waiver claims; after that, additional claims will not be granted and the patron will be responsible for assessed fines. A waiver must be implemented within 30 days after the first attempt to deliver the certified letter concerning these fines.


Revised: January 19, 2009; Revised with approved changes March 18, 2013; Revised with approved changes April 18, 2016;Revised with approved changes March 20, 2017;revised with approved changes 05/15/17. Reviewed with no changes 2/19/18; reviewed with wording change 3/19/18: approved 4/16/2018. Reviewed with wording change 7/16/18, approved 8/20/18. Reviewed with wording change 5/20/2019. Reviewed with working change 03/16/2020. Reviewed with removal of app available 3/15/21; Revised with approved changes April 18, 2023


The Argos Library Board of Trustees and Director encourages all members of the community to use the library. It is the Board’s hope that patrons of all ages see the library as a warm, inviting, and secure place to be. To ensure that all library users are able to utilize the library without unnecessary distractions, each patron must behave in a manner that respects the rights of all users.

The library reserves the right to require anyone who engages in disruptive behavior to leave the premises, the right to restrict privileges for a specified period of time, and the right to ban the individual from the library for a specified period of time or permanently. Patrons may receive a notice of suspension letter. Patrons who violate the Behavior Policy will receive two verbal warnings as notice they are in violation and will be asked to leave the library with the third violation.

Disruptive behavior is defined as any patron behavior that interferes with the normal operation of the library, or which unreasonably interferes with another patron’s ability to use the library. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Examples of Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Leaving children unsupervised- See “Unattended Children Policy”

  • Improper Internet usage- See “Internet Control Policy”

  • Verbal or physical altercations; Harassment

  • Vandalism

  • Smoking

  • Soliciting

  • Animals. Service animals are welcome in the library. No other animals of any kind are permitted, unless part of a library-sponsored program.

  • Misusing the rest rooms (using them as a laundry or bathing facility) is not allowed.

  • Having food or beverages near any Library computer. Any damage to Library property resulting from food or beverages will be the responsibility of the patron.

  • Cursing, obscene or abusive language

  • Using or bringing controlled substances in the Library or on the grounds

  • Removing Library materials or equipment without checking these out properly by Library staff at the Circulation desk

  • Misusing, damaging, defacing and/or removing without authorization anything from the building and grounds

  • Running, shouting, and/or roughhousing

  • Playing in the elevator or on the staircase including running on the stairs

  • Disturbing others’ right to privacy and/or need for immediate personal space

  • Disturbing others with loud talking, including use of portable phones and other electronic devices

  • Coming into the library without wearing shoes or shirt, and/or appropriate public attire

  • Skateboarding, roller-skating, or inline skate use

  • Excessive displays of affection, or sexually inappropriate conduct

  • Possession of weapons carrying weapons of any type on Library property is not allowed except by law enforcement officers

Persons who violate these rules will be asked to leave the library premises, or, when appropriate, will be subject to arrest. Library staff should notify the Director. If the Director is not on the premises then the Argos Police should be called at 574-892- 5122. Repeated violators and/or those who refuse to leave will be subject to arrest and prosecution under Section 35-43-2-2 of Indiana Code entitled, “Criminal Trespass.”

The Board of Library Trustees will review the Behavior Policy periodically, and reserves the right to amend the policy at any time.

Created June 16, 2023; Reviewed and approved June 19, 2023


The trustees and staff of Argos Public Library are dedicated to the safety and enjoyment of children that we serve. We encourage all to enjoy reading, study, research and attending programs. However, parents, guardians and caregivers should be mindful that the library is a public building open to all individuals, and that unattended children are vulnerable.

Argos Public Library is not responsible for unattended children. The library cannot ensure the safety of any library patron of any age, especially children. Library staff duties cannot include babysitting or taking over any parental responsibilities for children when they are in the library. While Argos Public Library is concerned about the safety and welfare of all children, parents or responsible caregivers who are at least thirteen or over are the ones responsible for monitoringchildren’s activities and behavior at all times while they are in the library.

  1. Children under the age of 8 must at all times be accompanied and supervised by a parent or responsible caregiver who is at least 13 or over while in the library. Parents or caregivers cannot leave children unattended in the children’s department while using other parts of the library.
  2. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible caregiver if the library stay exceeds one hour.
  3. Children may be asked to leave the library if behavior is not appropriate.
  4. Parents will be notified by library staff if a child under 12 has been asked to leave the library or if a child under 12 is still in the library without a ride at closing time. If a parent cannot be contacted, the police department will be notified.

The Argos Public Library welcomes children of all ages to use the Library and we ask each parent, guardian or caregiver to help us in protecting all children.

1st reading 4/18/2016, adopted 05/16/2016.Reviewed,no changes 8/20/18. Approved 9/17/18.

Unattendend Children


Mission Statement

Argos Public Library strives to be the chosen destination for patrons to obtain quality, up-to- date materials, information, and services, in order to fulfill the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful and businesslike. The purpose of the library is to serve our patrons with an outstanding collection of materials in a variety of formats. The library will provide and actively promote easy access to all resources for all patrons and offer guidance and encouragement in their use so they may improve the quality of their lives.

General Library Objectives

  1. To assemble, preserve and administer an organized collection of educational and recreational materials vital to the needs, curiosities, and creativity of the community at large.
  2. To be aware of the needs of the community and meet those needs as effectively as possible through programming and appropriate materials.
  3. To keep informed regarding the latest and most effective sources of professional library services and methods in order that they may be incorporated into the library whenever practical and more efficient in relation to this particular library.

Material Selection

Every library, no matter how large or small, must select from the mass of recorded knowledge those materials which best contribute to the particular objectives of the individual library. This policy has been drawn up to answer questions of library patrons pertaining to book selection.

The Argos Public Library hereby adopts the Library Bill of Rights in its entirety:

  1. As a responsibility of library service, books and other library materials selected should be chosen for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the people of the community. In no case should library materials be excluded because of the race or nationality or the social, political, or religious views of the authors.
  2. Libraries should provide books and other materials presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times; no library materials should be proscribed or removed from libraries because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  3. Censorship should be challenged by libraries in the maintenance of their responsibility to provide public information and enlightenment.
  4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  5. The rights of an individual to the use of a library should not be denied or abridged because of his age, race, religion, national origins or social or political views.
  6. As an institution of education for democratic living, the library should welcome the use of its meeting rooms for socially useful and cultural activities and discussion of current public questions. Such meeting places should be available on equal terms to all groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of their members, provided that the meetings are open to the public.

    Purpose of book selection

    In keeping with the library district’s heritage, which fosters excellent schooling and independent thinking, the Argos Public Library provides guidelines for acquisition and withdrawal decisions, resource allocation and planning for collection needs in accordance with the Library’s mission statement and long range plans.

    The factor which has the greatest bearing upon selection is the character of the community. The age of patrons ranges from small children to senior citizens.

    Materials are purchased in a variety of formats. The Library monitors the development of new formats and, within budgetary and technical limitations, adds these to the collection. Choice of formats will be based on patron demand, community trends, product development, and positive critical reviews.

    Responsibility for Collection Development

    Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Director who operates within the policies determined by the Board of Trustees. The Director delegates the responsibilities for specific subject areas and formats regarding the evaluation, acquisition, retention, and withdrawal of materials to appropriate staff members.

    Materials are evaluated as complete works and not on the basis of a particular passage. We respect the right of individuals to be selective in their own reading and of individuals and groups to express their views for the guidance of others. But for the same reason, we oppose efforts by individuals or groups to limit the freedom of choice of others or to impose their own standards of tastes upon a community at large.

    Cooperative Relationships

    The library encourages the use of interlibrary cooperation to better serve the needs of its patrons by expanding available resources through Resource Sharing and cooperative agreements that benefit the community.


    In the interest of maintaining a current, relevant, authoritative, and attractive collection of materials for patrons, all areas of the library will be weeded on a minimum schedule of every three years. Informal weeding occurs as needed in order to create shelf space or replace out- of-date or damaged materials.


    The library does accept donations of various materials to add to the collection (books, CDs, etc.), but reserves the right to discriminate which materials will ultimately be added into the collection based on condition, currency, shelf space, and other factors. It is the discretion of the Director as to what to do with donations that are not processed and added into the collection. Donations may be placed with other weeded materials for patron book sales.

    Patron Requests

    Patron suggestions and requests will be considered in accordance with the selection criteria outlined in this policy. Requests not acquired by the Library may be available via Inter-Library loan or through our digital collections.

    Reconsideration of Materials

    An Argos Public Library Patron’s Request for Reconsideration of Materials” form is provided for a patron wishing to request that the library staff reconsider a specific title currently in the collection. After completing the form, the patron submits the form to the Director. The Director will review the title and write a timely letter of response to the patron. The patron, if they have further concerns, will be invited to the next meeting of the library board.

    Approved: Oct 18, 2010; Reviewed, no changes March 18, 2013; Reviewed, no changes Feb 15, 2016.Reviewed, no changes 2/19/18; approved 3/19/18.Reviewed, no changes 3/15/21.Reviewed, 1st reading 9/20/21


    This document is a library-wide policy for the use of computer networks and the resources they make available, as well as for the use of the stand-alone computers owned and administered by APL. The Internet and its available resources contain a wide variety of material and opinions from varied points of view. Many sites contain valuable and timely information; however, other sites may contain material that is inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, or offensive to some people. The use of the Internet is a privilege and access is voluntary.

    Argos Public Library provides filtering of all computers in the library to protect against visual depictions of obscenity, child pornography, and materials harmful to minors. While Argos Public Library attempts through filtering software to prevent direct access to materials that would not be generally acceptable in a public library, it is technically impossible to prevent access to all objectionable resources. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to monitor and guide their own children in the use of the Internet.

    While using computer and Internet services provided by Argos Public Library, persons of all ages shall:

    1. Not access, transmit, upload, download, or distribute material or language that is pornographic, abusive, sexually explicit, obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors, or otherwise inappropriate for a public library setting;
    2. Not engage in any illegal activities on the Internet;
    3. Not vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another individual or organization;
    4. Not violate copyright or otherwise use intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission;
    5. Not engage in hacking or attempts to otherwise compromise any computer or network system;
    6. Use electronic mail and other forms of non-chat electronic communications only for purposes appropriate in a public library setting; and
    7. Not use chat, chat rooms, or messenger.

    In addition, minors (person younger than 18 years of age) shall:

    1. Not disclose personal identification information on the Internet; and
    2. Be monitored by library staff.


    Internet access is available for all adults 18 years of age and up. When minors under the age of 12 use the Internet, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    User Agreement Terms:

    1. Minor users up to 12 must be accompanied by adult.
    2. Sign in at the Circulation Desk before beginning your session and log off when leaving the computer.
    3. Recommended access time is 60 min/session. Please be aware of others who may need to use the computer.
    4. Last session for the day will begin no closer than 30 min of closing time.
    5. All sessions must be completed within 15 min of closing time.
    6. Notify the Library Staff immediately if you have a problem with the computer.
    7. You may bring in your own storage devices to save your work. Copying fees are $.15/page for black & white and $.50/page for color.

    Inappropriate use of library-provided computer and Internet services, as determined by the library will result in the loss of access to computer and Internet services and expulsion from the library. Illegal acts involving library-computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.

    An authorized library staff member may disable the filtering software for adult use to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.

    Argos Public Library makes no warranties of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, for the Internet access it is providing. The library is not responsible for the accuracy, nature, or quality of information gathered through library-provided Internet access.

    In consideration of Argos Public Library providing patrons with access to the Internet, patrons agree to hold the library harmless and agree to indemnify the library from any and all liability.

    Approved October 15, 2001; Reviewed, no changes August 20, 2012. Reviewed, no changes, 4/15/ 2013. Reviewed with changes Feb 24, 2014, reviewed and changed March 17, 2014. Reviewed with no changes 3/16/2015;Reviewed April, 18 2016, changes approved 2nd reading 5/16/2016. 1st reading with changes, 6/18/18, changes approved 7/16/18.Reading with changes approved: pg 1#7: 04/19/2021; Revised with approved changes 4/18/2023.


    Purpose: To establish a clearly defined policy as to children who are left at the public library after regular scheduled hours.

    Policy: No children left unattended by parents or guardians will be the responsibility of the library director or staff.


    1. If a child is left unattended at closing time, the library director or staff will make an attempt to telephone the child’s parent or guardian. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the Argos Police Department will be contacted and requested to pick up the child and resolve the situation according to their policy.

    2. Under no circumstances will the library director or staff drive nor escort the child off of library property.

    Adopted 6/25/1990; Amended 7/25/1994;Reviewed, no changes8/17/2009;Amended 4/15/2013. Amended 12/15/2014.Reviewed, no changes 8/20/18. Approved 9/17/18.

    DVD Policy

    Requirements: To check out movies from the Argos Public Library (APL), a patron (adult or minor) must have a valid APL card. Movies rated G, PG or PG-13 may be checked out by children or adults. In no case will a child under the age of 18 be allowed to check out movies with an R rating. For children under the age of 18, permission of a parent or guardian is necessary, in writing, on the APL Youth card application, in order to check out any movie in the rating system as defined above.

    Loan Period: Three movies may be checked out per library card for a period of seven days each. RENEWALS are for seven days and for one renewal period only.

    Drop Box: Movies may be placed in the Drop Box located on the south side of the main front door. All materials placed in drop boxes after closing date on the due date will be checked in on the next business day of the library.

    Lost or Damaged Movie: The borrowing patron will be charged the list cost for movie replacement plus postage (if applicable) plus a $3.00 processing fee.

    Care and Handling: Keep movies away from heat and moisture. Use the movie only when it is at room temperature. Keep movie away from magnetic fields (top of television, near stereo speaker, etc), which can cause distortion or partial erasure. Never touch the playing surface of the DVD.

    Use Restrictions: Home Use Only. APL is not responsible for patron violation of the copyright law. DVDs are protected by the Federal Copyright Law and are restricted to HOME USE ONLY unless otherwise specified. The borrower is advised that showings in other places or locations are considered public performance and such use may result in legal action against the user. MOVIES MAY NOT BE TELEVISED, SHOWN WHERE ADMISSION IS CHARGED OR DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED, AND CANNOT BE DUPLICATED, COPIED AND/OR TRANSFERRED TO FILM OR DISC.

    Approved: 10-15-2001; revised: 11-15-2010; Reviewed with changes, March 18, 2013. Reviewed with changes 3/16/2015; Reviewed with no changes 2/15/2016.Reviewed with changes 3/19/2018:approved 4/16/2018.Reviewed, no changes 3/15/21; Revised with approved changes 4/18/2023.

    Media Release Policy

    The Argos Public Library takes photographs, videos and/or other electronic images at Library-sponsored events and/or during events occurring at the Library. These images may be used to promote the Library and its services in a variety of formats.

    Signs will be posted throughout the Library building advising visitors about this practice. If a visitor prefers to not be included in photographs, electronic images or other visual recordings, it will be his/her option to proactively advise a Library employee regarding such exclusions. Adults accompanying minors visiting the Library are encouraged to also speak for such minors as to preferred exclusions. The failure of any visitor toadvise staff of such visitor’s preference to be excluded from such photographs, electronic images or other visual recordings will be interpreted as permission of the individuals involved, both minors and adults, to use any images taken at Library- sponsored events and other events occurring on Library premises.

    If an image of a minor is used in publicity that will circulate outside the Library, no names of such minors will be used without permission of the parent or guardian of the minor individual(s) depicted in such image; such permission may be given orally and noted in writing by Library personnel, by e-mail or other electronic communication from the parent or guardian, or by written consent on a form provided by Library personnel or other written form signed by the parent or guardian.

    Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the press from access to the Argos Public Library, or publishing the information, photographs, videos, and/or electronic media collected during such access to the Library.

    Adopted September 20, 2010; Reviewed, no changes 4/15/2013; Reviewed, no changes 4/18/2016. Reviewed, no changes 6/18/18.

    Meeting Room Policy

     Argos Public Library, in order to serve as a community resource welcomes the use of the Margaret Neff Meeting Room to the public so that the resources of the Library and the activities of our community may be brought together. The room may be used without charge during regular Library hours by groups from the Library service area holding meetings of civic, cultural or educational nature, except on Sundays and other days when the Library is closed.

    Meeting rooms must be scheduled in advance on a first come, first served basis. Confirmation will be sent by email, telephone call, or US Postal Service, upon receiving the completed application, plus deposit, if applicable.

    The meeting room must be vacated 15 minutes before the stated Library closing time unless arrangements have been previously made with the Administration. There may be an additional cost if a staff person is required to remain.

    The room will not be available under any circumstances for use after 10:00 PM.

    • In keeping with the Library’s character as a governmental entity, no political meetings of a partisan nature may be permitted. No general admission fee may be charged for any meeting or program in the meeting room nor may any voluntary offering, solicitation, or collection of funds be made.
    • Organizations must be non-profit and non-commercial. In this reference, no buying, selling, or trading of products or services for cash will be allowed, except in support of the library. However, qualified groups (non-commercial, non-profit civic or educational organizations) may charge participants a fee to cover the actual costs for items such as printed reading materials or supplies used at a workshop, meeting or an educational program to be presented.

    The library reserves the right to require proof of non-profit status.

    • Programs and meetings conducted at the Library may not be used to promote any private commercial interests or products.
    • Priority for meeting room use will be assigned in the following manner:
      1. Library sponsored programs and meetings
      2. Library related meetings or programs
      3. Non-library groups will be viewed as equitably as possible for scheduling purposes

    The meeting room may not be used for purely social functions, such as birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, holiday parties, etc. TV viewing for personal/family use is not permitted.

    Children and young adults must be supervised at all times by an adult. Youth groups must be organized and supervised by responsible adults, who must attend and oversee each meeting.

    No baby-sitting facilities are provided. Children should be provided with adult supervision before, during, and after meetings and must remain in the meeting room with the adults.

    • The Library Board is the sole arbiter of any questions as to which organizations may meet on its property. The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the Library.
    • All bookings must be made between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday at the library or by calling 892-5818.

    The person responsible for the room must be 21 years of age or older.

    Confirmed reservations may not be transferred to persons or organizations other than another member of the same organization. Each person or group must make their own reservations.

    • A kitchenette is available for use. The equipment provided by the Library may be used but must be left clean. Refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages may be served in the meeting rooms. Beverages containing red, purple or orange dyes are prohibited.

    Groups wishing to serve food or beverages must pay a $50.00 deposit before the room may be occupied. Following the meeting, the room will be inspected by library personnel as time permits. If remains of drinks or food are found, the room and furniture will be cleaned at the current custodial fees (30 minutes minimum) to be deducted from the room deposit.

    The remainder of the deposit, or the entire deposit, if no debris is found, will be returned to the group through prior arrangements with the Administration.

    These provisions do not apply to any meeting sponsored by the Library or the Friends of the Library.

    • Organizations publicizing speakers or meetings held in Library space must identify their organizations in all advertisements.
    • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are never permitted in any part of the Library. Open flames (candles, matches, etc) are never permitted in the meeting room, per Indiana Fire Code.
    • Each group using the meeting room takes full responsibility for any damages incurred resulting from its use of the meeting room. All damages will be charged to the group and abuse of the facility will be cause for denying further sage to the group.
    • The meeting room will be equipped with a standard number of tables and chairs. The sponsoring group may change this arrangement for their specific use. Tables should be lifted, not dragged, and furniture should be left in a neat and orderly arrangement at the close of the meeting, cleaning as necessary.

    If a sponsoring group does not return the room or the kitchenette to its pre-meeting condition, a notification letter will be sent to the group. If a second letter must be sent within one calendar year, a fee of $20 will be assessed, and no further use of any room will be permitted until the fee is paid.

    • The Director, or staff member appointed by the Director, reserves the right to terminate any meeting that is noisy, disruptive, or potentially destructive to the Library’s property. Only one warning will be given before privileges are suspended.
    • The Library does not provide any office services, equipment or supplies (including fax, telephone, computers) except as available in the regular patron areas.
    • The Library does not have staff available for loading, unloading, or carrying of groups’ materials. This is the sole responsibility of each group.
    • Cancellations of meetings should be called in to the Library as soon as possible to allow room use by other groups (892-5818).
    • Meeting rooms are not available if the Library is closed due to an emergency.
    • The Library Board has vested the Director with the authority to supervise meeting room use and interpret these policies. Failure to comply with these regulations or the directives of the designated representative of the Library will cancel further use of the Library facilities. The Director shall have the right to waive the regulations whenever it is in the best interest of the library or the community to do so. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to alter or waive the rules.

    Adopted: August 17, 2009; Reviewed, no changes 4/15/2013;Reviewed,no changes 04/18/2016. Reviewed no changes 6/18/18.

    Meeting Room Policy

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